Mixed Bricked Cajon

The A Tempo Percussion Mixed Cajon combines the Classic Cajon and the Snare Cajon. It has two sides for percussion, one side has the traditional Peruvian sound and the other side has strings like a Cajon Snare. It has the hole on the side. All our cajones are joined with the endentado system (dovetail) solid wood dehydrated to 8 – 10 degrees of humidity.

Characteristics of the Mixed Bricked Cajon:

  • This crate has a design in which the pieced timber technique is used.
  • Gracias a la combinación de densidad entre las diferentes maderas, se obtiene un sonido agradable.
  • It has non-slip feet.
  • Measurements: 48cm x 33cm x 29cm
  • Wood: Mohena, Requia, Violet  and Walnut.
  • Finish: Glossy
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