About Us
A TEMPO PERCUSIÓN is a Peruvian company dedicated to the design and construction of percussion musical instruments, mainly based on wood.
The objective of A TEMPO PERCUSIÓN is to provide the musician with different sounds, nuances and colors that can enrich the music he produces, as well as stimulate his creativity.
In 1997, Alexis Castañeda, Peruvian economist, luthier and musician, began to manufacture Peruvian Cajons, with the advice of the great cajon player Eusebio Sirio “Pititi”, one of the greatest exponents of the Peruvian Cajon. Being the third generation of cabinetmakers in the Castañeda family, Alexis uses the knowledge acquired in woodworking for the design and construction of the Peruvian Cajones.
In 1999 he began to sell his instruments under the brand name A TEMPO INSTRUMENTOS MUSICALES, a name that he would soon change to A TEMPO PERCUSIÓN.
Over the years, and listening to every comment from the percussionists, A TEMPO PERCUSIÓN has been perfecting the Peruvian Cajon, looking for ways to make it easier to play, both for professionals and for those just starting out on this instrument.
Some time later, not satisfied with this, A TEMPO PERCUSIÓN ventured into the technique of piecing different colored woods, developing creative designs, making each instrument a work of art.
Currently, with more than 26,000 instruments sold in the world, A TEMPO PERCUSIÓN remains committed to the tireless search for new sounds and effects that make the work of the percussionist richer and more entertaining, and strives to fulfill this responsibility with music and musicians. , but mainly with God, who is the creator of all the sounds of this world.
“And whatever you do, do it from the heart, as for the Lord and not for men”
(Colossians 3:23).”